Around Moxham…
- Moxham Historic District
- Greater Johnstown School District
- Cambria County Library System
- City of Johnstown Parks and Playgrounds
- Cambria County Conservation and Recreation
- Johnstown Airport
- Tribune-Democrat
- Moxham Food Pantry – (814) 288-9979
Elder Care Resources
- Senior Advice — Here is a resource to help seniors with long-term care and housing needs to explore the different PA facilities available to them, including costs and payment options.
- Adult Lutherans Organized for Action — ALOA’s focus is to help congregations strengthen their ministry with and for older adults and encourage older adults to affirm their gifts and use those gifts in service to family, church, community and the world.
- Click for Senior Farmer’s Market Nutrition Program
Allegheny Synod Partners
- Allegheny Synod’s Website
- Allegheny Lutheran Social Ministries
- United Lutheran Seminary
- Sequanota Lutheran Camp
- …In the Meantime (David Lose)
- Luther Seminary God Pause
- d365 – Simple, online devotional
- ELOGOS Daily Devotional
- Lutheran Daily Prayer Offices
- Lutheran Hour Daily Devotional
- Moravian Daily Texts
- Sacred Space
- The Daily Disconnect
ELCA Links
- ELCA Website
- ELCA Book of Faith Initiative
- Lutheran Disaster Response
- Lutheran World Relief
- Lutheranism 101